Monday, May 16, 2011

Sock Sistaaaa's!!

I am a member of this website called It has boards to post on to get advice, share things etc and I frequently post on Trying To Get Pregnant-TTGP and Trouble Trying To Conceive-T-TTC. Well, on T-TTC or "3T" a "sock buddy" exchange was organized. The gist of it is this: women who are having trouble trying to conceive spend quite a bit of time in stirrups at their OBGYN or RE's office and a lot of the time we are at these appointments alone. With the "sock exchange" you sign up, get assigned a sock buddy and you each send eachother a cute pair of socks. These are to be THE pair of socks you wear to those appointments. When you are on your back & your feet are sitting there in the stirrups you can look at your socks while laying there and even if you are alone in the physical, you are not really alone. Those socks are a reminder that you have someone supporting you and there for you! Practically the whole 3T board took part so we are all here for eachother.

I missed the sign up and so did a few other ladies. One poster suggested we just be eachother's "sock sista's" so we are! We exchanged addresses and sent socks...I sent Crissy hers Friday through, two cute pairs :)

And this weekend.....I got mine!!

Yeee!! :D

Message read, "Hope these socks put a smile on your face!! Sock sista's Rock!!!!

Suuuper cute!

I think I might have an ultrasound this week to see how my ovaries are doing so I can wear my socks then!! The doctor will email me some time today or tomorrow hopefully...she thinks I did ovulate, but--elevated progesterone could also mean the cysts are back so its either really good! or....not so good....either I produced an egg finally OR I produced more cysts...we'll find out! Love my socks!! Thanks Crissy!! Totally put a smile on my face!

Sock Sista's!! :)


  1. Those are SO cute! :D I'm slightly jealous. ;)

  2. Andie! You can get some socks too...a pair for you and a pair for your lil bean! how are you feeling?!


  3. So happy you loved the socks!! Mine made my day too!! Im actually wearing some now! <3
