Wednesday, May 4, 2011

morning tea

Sitting here sipping my cup of chamomile & spearmint tea I am reminded with each soft sip why I started drinking spearmint tea in the first place...normally I don't really like tea. The only time I would drink it was when I was little and had a tummy ache, my mom would give me a hot cup of chamomile tea with a little sugar and soothing. Just hearing the word chamomile brings comfort..she would wrap me in a soft blanket, brush my hair back behind my ear, kiss my forehead and hand my my cup of tea...

Now, the spearmint comes from reading I have done while researching all that entails PCOS. Just some background info, one of the signs that one has PCOS is higher than normal male androgens like testosterone in the body. Both men and women have testosterone, women in obviously lower amounts..but in women with PCOS testosterone is elevated for an unknown reason and so along with other hormones that are out of whack, the main cuplrit for me (since I am not insulin resistant) is that I have a severe hormonal imbalance. I had read on several ocassions that spearmint tea (somehow) can help to lower testosterone. Now, I don't know how 'sound' or factual that research is...but its just tea. Tea can't hurt..and if it can help well then by all means, bring on the spearmint.

Now, this may sound like I'm 'fishing' for something here but...I think God knew that those childhood cups of comfort would one day bring me comfort in a whole other way. Being that I don't really like tea, and yet the one natural thing that some women have said helped them is tea (speamint tea no less)...I took a big sigh and told myself I'd give it a try. Then when brewing my first cup, with a bag of spearmint tea, I remembered...


A sweet memory enraptured me as I dipped a second bag of tea for my body, one for me. I now actually enjoy these twice daily cups of spearming and chamomile tea :) Back then, it comforted me and my mom was there to take care of me. Now, it comforts me still...and in dealing with infertility and daily having to actively choose to walk in God's promise and remember that I am whole in Christ. When I take a sip and taste the spearmint I remember: PCOS. When I take the same sip and taste the chamomile I remember: I am with you...God knew all along. That one day, that childhood habit would follow me and become a habit of necessity both physically and emotionally..God is so good...I love how He is in everything..even a sip of tea...

xoxo kris

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