Wednesday, April 6, 2011


With PCOS some days are better than others. I would rather say "some days are better than others" than "some days are worse than others"...I dont know, to me-it just makes it seem less...less...hmm..well how can infertility seem less "bad" (is that even proper grammar?)

Because hormone levels do not fluctuate properly or at the right time or levels, some days I am just so uncontrollably sad I dont know what to do. Those days are very few, maybe once or twice a month..It comes out of nowhere. Like someone flipped a switch and BAM, this tidal wave of sadness completely immerses me and I can't for the life of me find my way to the surface for air. I am not as emotionally distraut as some would think a woman could be, dealing with infertility (for the most part lol). And I dont attribute it to being naive or anything like that...I know my faith has truly sustained me, even before my diagnosis.

But yesterday of day 2 of just being out of it emotionally, suddenly, ever so gently I was reminded to watch a video some one had posted on my facebook weeks ago.. As I scrolled through the weeks of posts I found it, watched it..and cried like a baby. This song was birthed from a place we with IF (infertility) are familiar with...and whether you are a woman/person of faith or not...its touching. It's's...amazing..Take a look and you will see what I mean. I was blessed by it to say the least...even after weeks of forgetting and me being late in watching it, God is always on time. I needed to see that video in that moment. Not 3 weeks ago, not 4 days later, not Sunday night...but that moment. I love how things work out..even the smallest blessings...can be the biggest.

Here is the link...please watch it, I know you will not regret you all :)


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