Thursday, June 16, 2011


Yes! The news is out! Chris and I are expecting!!!

I wrote this, took a picture of it and set it as my wall paper on my phone to give myself some encouragement:

Hours later...little did I know...I would get these:

I wanted to take test alone...and then surprise Chris in a cute way on camera..record it and everything..I ended up asking him May 17th 2011 at around 9pm to bring me a pregnancy test..he did..I took it while he was in the shower and that second line showed up immediately!! It kept getting darker..and darker..and darker...and thats all I kept saying, "It's's really dark...." "I've never SEEN that before?!!!"

It was insane...after months and months and months of not chance at all of getting pregnant..we were waiting just one more month to see a specialist at a fertility clinic..and it happened in that month. No medical help. Nothing. I did get blood work done to see if I had ovulated...expecting yet another negative test and to my complete surprise the test came back positive for ovulation..not only that it was so high my doctor said, "I wonder if you might even be pregnant..." What a thing to say...well..she was right! Because at 11dpo I got my positive test!!

Still so in so so greatful it's overwhelming.

Allow me to introduce Baby Avila Due Jan 28th 2012!

It's just so amazingly unbelievable. To be faced with infertility just be waiting for another appointment with another doctor...for God to part heaven and say "it is time" heart is glad. Only God can do that. We had no medical help...this was ALL God...and He alone gets ALL the Glory....Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus. Thank you...we are already in love...

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