today was the day for yet another progesterone test. What is a progesterone test? Well! I'm glad you asked...
A progesterone test measures the level of a hormone called progesterone. Now, if a woman has ovulated (grown and released her egg) like normal, then 7-8 days after ovualtion her progesterone level will be at a certain number. If she hasn't, it will also be at a certain (low) number. The last two times I have gotten this test done, my progesterone was low and thus no ovulation. Now, the only reason I think may I ovulated is because I *think* I may have gotten a positive reading on an ovulation predictor test. If positive, the test will read a dark line. As dark as or darker than the control line. Sometimes it is so hard to tell if it is dark enough to actually be positive. When I ask my husband to take a look, he seems as leery as I do! Some tests do away with the line and will give you a happy face or an open circle, depending on if you are having your LH surge, but there are just too $. The tricky thing about the ovuation test's are that by name, they are a tad misleading.
They do not technically predict ovulation, just the surge of the Leatenizing hormone which spurs on ovulation. But even with a +OPK (positive), a woman may still not be ovulating. Again, it just detects the surge, not the actually ovulation. For that some woman track their basal body temps each morning and record them, after a cycle is finished you can look back on your chart to see if your temps did shift enough to confirm ovulation. Now, temping was always hard for me..and right now my doctor wants me going in for blood work so I just do the b/w (blood work).
(I dont know why my arm looks SO huge in this have been told I have lovely veins..aww shucks!)
I know I'm 24...but Terry (one of the tech's) gives these out and I'm glad to take one! :)
It wasn't bad at all, Terry (the tech who drew my blood) was great! It didn't hurt a bit. Maybe I'm just getting used to's about the 6th time I've had blood work done in the last 3 months...I know it wont be the last. Thank you Jesus I have never had a frear of needles! I've always been "that" kind of person who actually likes to watch! Monday (if not Saturday) I should have the results....fingers crossed! It would be the first time I actually ovulated on my own...that in itself would be a huge miracle :) We'll find out...
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