Trying to conceive since: November 2010
Diagnosed with: PCOS, non insulin resistant
Diagnosed on: March 2, 2010
Symptoms: polycystic ovaries, elevated testosterone, difference in body hair growth (facial mostly), hot flashes, mood swings, energy level changes due to hormonal imbalance, dandruff, breakouts.
Treatment: None yet, seeing an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) at the fertility clinic this summer.
-cysts found in highschool, no period by age 16, put on birth control pills to regulate periods, hormones and rid of cysts
-Off birth contol pills November 2010 (started trying!)
-seemingly regular cycles November 2010-January 2011
-February 2011 irregular cycle
-February 24th-Annual Appointment, ultrasound found polycystic ovaries. 11 on the left ovary and 16 on the right.
-March 2nd, blood work back--conclusive & diagnosed with PCOS
-March 9th blood work back--not insulin resistant! :)
-April 6th blood work back for cycle 5--again, did not ovulate
-April 22nd--Endocrinologist appointment, no med's given
RE appointment possibly June/July 2011 at the fertility clinic
Possible appointment with the holostic doctor after RE consultation